As a chartered member of Little League International, Pine Bush Little League helps teach the kids of the
Pine Bush community the value of teamwork and good sportsmanship. It encourages our young players to
make new friends, get outside and exercise, and foster a love for one of America’s oldest pastimes. Nearly
440 Pine Bush area kids participated in the Spring 2024 season with over 160 joining for the fall season.
To provide the kids with an overall valuable experience, Pine Bush Little League is constantly maintaining
and improving their fields. In the fall of 2022, the league made significant investments in the overhaul of two
of the fields with two more being renovated in the fall of 2023. These renovations focused on improving
drainage and providing safer fields for the kids to play on. Additionally, the lights on the softball and seniors
field were switched from running off a generator to a standard electrical connection to the grid. This was no
small task and we have many people to thank for it, including the Town of Crawford for financial assistance.
As a charitable organization, the Pine Bush Little League relies on registration fees and donations to
function. A donation from you would help offset significant increases in equipment and uniform costs as well
as assist with the funding of the field maintenance and repairs.
If you choose to support the league, Pine Bush Little League provides several sponsorship levels that offer
advertisements on our website, social media page, and fields. An outline of the sponsorship levels has been
provided on the attached forms. If interested, please forward a check to the Pine Bush Little League along
with the completed General Sponsorship Agreement and email your high resolution logo to
[email protected].